Slice patterns in Rust

Coming from the front-end world, where I use TypeScript on a daily basis, I find destructuring assignment, along with rest and spread syntax for unpacking and expanding arrays and objects, really helpful in writing concise and expressive code.

When I started to learn Rust, I immediately fell in love with its pattern matching feature, because it not only allows you to work with enums in ergonomic and safe manner, but also write really expressive and elegant code. Paired with destructuring and rest syntax, it becomes extremely powerful.

Note: these patterns work only with slices or arrays, so you can’t, for instance, apply them to plain vectors, since their size is not known at compile-time.

Now, let’s see some examples.

Taking heads & tails off!

Simplest function of the kin for returning the first element of a list slice. Since I wanted it to be generic (to some extent), its signature looks a bit more involved than it could be… Anyway, that’s not gonna change the fact, that we destructure the slice to take the head and return a copy of it, while ignoring the rest .. of the slice.

fn head<T: Clone>(items: &[T]) -> Option<T> {
match items {
| [head, ..] => Some(head.to_owned()),
| _ => None,

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In TypeScript, we can implement this in a similar, but much less safer fashion, or make use of libraries like purify-ts. It provides us with some handy algebraic data structures, e.g. Maybe<T>, which in this case is identical to the Rust’s Option<T>.

import { Just, Nothing, type Maybe } from 'purify-ts/Maybe'
function head<T>([head]: Array<T>): Maybe<T> {
return head ? Just(head) : Nothing


What about tails? Pretty much the same story, but with a binding (note that @ sigil).

Bindings allow us to, well, bind whatever matches the pattern to a variable, and then use it in a guard predicate, and in the body of the matching branch. In our function we simply bind the rest of the slice to the tail variable and then return it, converting to a Vec<T>.

fn tail<T: Clone>(items: &[T]) -> Option<Vec<T>> {
match items {
| [_, tail @ ..] => Some(tail.to_vec()),
| _ => None,

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The same in TypeScript land with purify-ts:

import { Just, Nothing, type Maybe } from 'purify-ts/Maybe'
function tail<T>([head, ...tail]: Array<T>): Maybe<Array<T>> {
return head ? Just(tail) : Nothing

Rusty tenet

Checking whether a string is palindrome or not, is a very common challenge, so why not solve it?

Again, we make use of binding, and match on both the start and end of a slice to create a really elegant solution with recursion.

fn is_palindrome(chars: &[char]) -> bool {
match chars {
| [first, between @ .., last] => first == last && is_palindrome(between),
| _ => true,

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Looks neat, if you ask me!

In TypeScript, unfortunately, it gets way more imperative, because TypeScript doesn’t allow us to destructure an array as flexible, as Rust does. I admit, this is not the best solution in terms of performance, but at least it roughly maps to what we have above in Rust.

function isPalindrome(chars: Array<string>): boolean {
if (chars.length < 2) return true
const first =
const last = - 1)
const between = chars.slice(1, chars.length - 1)
return first === last && isPalindrome(between)

A little trick

There’s another handy trick we can use within slice patterns. We can not only destructure slices or arrays and bind matches to variables, but also match different variants while doing destructuring.

Let’s say, we have some fictional binary format. It has two versions, and each matches to its own sequence of bytes, though they are quite similar. V1 can’t be processed, and V2 can.

  • If a sequence starts with 0x88 followed by A or B, then it’s V1.
  • If a sequence starts with 0x88 followed by X, then it’s V2.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Version { V1, V2 }
pub fn parse_header(header: &[u8]) -> Option<(Version, Vec<u8>)> {
match header {
| [0x88, b'A' | b'B', contents @ ..] => Some((Version::V1, contents.to_vec())),
| [0x88, b'X', contents @ ..] => Some((Version::V2, contents.to_vec())),
| _ => None,

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In the first branch we first check if slice starts with 0x88, and then check for two alternatives: b'A' and b'B'.

In TypeScript something similar would look less terse and pretty.

import { Just, Nothing, type Maybe } from 'purify-ts/Maybe'
enum Version { V1, V2 }
function parseHeader(header: Array<number>): Maybe<[Version, Array<number>]> {
const [magic, version,] = header
if (magic !== 0x88) {
return Nothing
switch (version) {
case 'A'.charCodeAt(0):
case 'B'.charCodeAt(0): return Just([Version.V1, rest])
case 'X'.charCodeAt(0): return Just([Version.V2, rest])
default: return Nothing

Nothing special here, except using enums, which most TypeScript devs don’t recommend to use (and for a good reason, especially before 5.0), but they’ve got an overhaul in 5.0 and finally are typesafe.


As you can see, slice patterns aren’t that complex compared to other features in Rust, and they can greatly improve the expressiveness of your code. I really like how fine-grain you can be when defining patterns, and it’s one of the functional features — among others, like iterators and immutability by default — that probably outmatches (pun intended) the very same feature in Haskell.